Sacred Pegasus Griffon Skin Pegasi are rumored to be good and gentle, always eager to help those pure of heart. If that sounds like you,…
Upgrade your Guild Wars 2 account today and experience everything Tyria has to offer. You’ll unlock both award-winning expansions and gain access to new Living World episodes…
“Shadow in the Ice,” the second episode of The Icebrood Saga , is now live! Check out the release page for all the details and read the update…
With less than a week to the launch of Queen, our devs have created a bunch of guides and informative posts about the upcoming features…
It’s a sale you know and love on ArcheAge, and it’s coming to ArcheAge: Unchained for the first time ever; The Double Credit Top Up…
Fixes Fixed an issue with banks, chests, and other inventory windows where half the target stack would disappear when shift-dragging a stack onto it Avalonian…
Congratulations to Error404, winners of the Avalonian Invasion Standalone Season! Read more about their rise to the top and the upcoming Caerleon Realmgate statue here:…
The Queen update arrives on January 20, bringing a huge number of new features. One of the biggest and most anticipated of these is Hideouts.…
Guild Season 8 begins on Saturday, February 1st. Read on for important dates, plus information about what’s new this season and how to earn Season…
Hello everyone, This is the current Known issues List with the Queen Update and the projected times for fixes for them Aiming to fix with…