Swiss tournaments have progressed enough that we need your help with the next phases. On February 13 at noon Pacific Time (UTC-8), we’ll be running…
Alchemist Backpack and Glider Combo There’s something satisfying and compelling about fancy bottles full of mysterious, candy-colored liquids. While we don’t recommend playing with the…
Rubi and Clayton are taking on the updated Drakkar encounter tomorrow! Keep an eye out for Rubi Djinn on EU servers. The livestream will air…
We’ve partnered up with players to showcase their creative Guild Wars 2-inspired content on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel. Read on for this week’s scheduled programming, and…
Jora Appearance Package This beautiful ensemble of supple leather and intricate metal accents was inspired by artists’ renditions of the hero Jora, whose bravery and…
We’ve partnered up with players to showcase their creative Guild Wars 2-inspired content on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel. Read on for this week’s scheduled programming, and…
Join host Rubi Bayer and her developer guests to discuss the latest episode of The Icebrood Saga , “Shadow in the Ice,” on this week’s Guild Chat. This…
For the third anniversary of Friend/Ships, we’re partnering with Seize the Awkward to help encourage friends to reach out and start the conversation about mental…
Sacred Pegasus Griffon Skin Pegasi are rumored to be good and gentle, always eager to help those pure of heart. If that sounds like you,…
Upgrade your Guild Wars 2 account today and experience everything Tyria has to offer. You’ll unlock both award-winning expansions and gain access to new Living World episodes…