The mighty Deinotherium is stomping its way into ARK. Tough, towering, and ready to shake up your world! Better have a game plan.
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Towering over even the largest mammoths, Deinotherium will dominate the open plains on March 26th. Agitate one, and you may find yourself on the receiving end of a devastating charge—but the real danger lies in their ability to rally their allies with powerful, morale-boosting calls, making a single confrontation quickly escalate into an all-out stampede.
Keep up with the development on ARK: Additions in Garuga’s Discord!
Journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Astraeos and capture its mythic beauty! Whether you’re a master of in-game photography, an expert builder, or a talented artist, this is your chance to showcase your skills and win exclusive prizes including the ARK: The Animated Series Cosmetic Pack!
Entries Open: Friday, March 14th
Entries Close: Wednesday, March 25th
Winners Announced: Friday, March 28th
Screenshots/Vistas – Capture the stunning scenery of Astraeos (or your own beautiful mug).
Builds – Show off your most impressive in-game creations.
Art – Create original artwork inspired by Astraeos’ landscapes, ruins, creatures and mythology.
Category Winners: Receive a copy of ARK: The Animated Series Cosmetic Pack featuring over 75 exclusive skins, including, Mammoth, Tusoteuthis, Spinosaurus, Equus, along with Jane, Chava, Rebel Mei Yin, and New-Armor Mei Yin. Valued at $14.99
Grand Prize Runner Up: ARK: The Animated Series Cosmetic Pack plus a Fantastic Tame of your choosing.
Grand Prize Winner: All of the prizes above plus your artwork featured as the server banner on the ARK Official Discord for one week!
Your submission must be Astraeos-themed.
You need to have the rights to the image you submit. No copyrighted material or artwork made by others without consent.
One submission per user. No multiple submissions or submissions across multiple categories.
Content must follow server rules:
No NSFW, derogatory, discriminatory, or disrespectful content.
PG-13 only.
No AI-generated content.
Submit your entry in the dedicated channels on the Official ARK Discord.
Include a brief title or description of your submission.
Unleash your creativity and let Astraeos inspire you! We can’t wait to see your submissions.
Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!
This video features:
Fortified Wood Structure Skin by Riiik
THARAT: Ancient Sand by j26arkitecto
Shamrock Shores Holiday Event by Trixt3r
Quick update on Black Screen reports we’ve had on console. We found that one of the main causes of black screens when connecting to Astraeos servers was related to how much memory was available when playing on the map. The latest updates on the map resolved the existence of an invalid actor, as well as significantly optimised the map to increase available memory by about 40% across all consoles. This should significantly cut down on crashes while playing in-world and help resolve some issues when connecting to Astraeos servers.
We’re still actively looking into reports that might impact other maps and working with platform partners to resolve these cases.
Update on the Official Network: we’re still experiencing heavy DDoS attacks and our hosts are aware and are doing everything they can to mitigate them, including working with other external specialists.
We have to be delicate about how much information we share, as too much can make us vulnerable to more attacks, or even just provoke the attacker to go further. It’s possible that this message alone could cause us to receive a heavier attack.
The teams working on this are doing everything they can to mitigate the attacks and keep the servers online and some excellent progress has been made over the last week. We’re unlikely to share much going forward outside of alerts when an attack has disrupted services but rest assured it’ll continue to remain a top priority for the teams and partners involved.
Appreciate folks understanding the complexity of this situation.
As a token of our gratitude, we are extending the triple rates for the Official Network until Wednesday, March 19.
Expire servers are temporary servers across the network that will eventually be removed, and you can find them by searching for “Expire” in the session filter.
These servers will be online until 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on March 24th. We’re preemptively using our allocation for future maps to host some additional sessions that players can travel onto to farm, tame, and experience the newest content Gameplay. The same transfer restrictions apply in that you are only able to download your character, but you can freely take anything off. This is to help reduce load off some of the other servers, or provide players an option for those who just want to jump onto a new map temporarily.
Please note that these servers will no longer exist after 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on March 24th, so if you intend to use them, remember to transfer your items/creatures/characters off before that date, as nothing will be saved beyond that time period.
As a token of our gratitude for your patience during the server stability issues, we are extending the triple rates for the Official Network until Wednesday, March 19.
PVP/PVE: 3x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
Small Tribes: 5.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 5x Breeding
ARKpocalypse: 6x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding
Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form
Creator: Xeridae
Xeridae attempts to survive 100 days conquering Scorched Earth with only one life.
Creator: Chasun_
Make your very own Hobbit base with the help of Chasun!
Bulbdog by @k3zk_627
Spoon by jammacle
Neo with his Tek Parasaur and Trinity with her raptor by cheshiregengarart
DLC Design by @dudziari
^-^ by KOKOC
Dodorex Funko custom by Moocow4life
Cyber Parasaur by Mon-ban-Delta
Photo Mode by godzilla402
Titan Trophy by @walken_a
Photo Mode by nesvog
Photo Mode by acq.mp3
War for the Wastes by cosmicman5455
Enjoy your weekend! Studio Wildcard
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