It takes a village to scare Yog! The Yogtober building contest is on!

Yogtober 2024

Greetings, Exiles! 

The moon-drenched flesh of those who dare to wander the villages at night is the delicacy Yog most favors when sacrifices are made in his name. 

It takes a village to scare Yog!

What’s better in a Hero’s life than conquering lands and cursing at the Gods? This year’s Yogtober building contest is no simple task. It will require the combined efforts of an entire well-equipped village to overcome the terrors of his grasp!  
Walking alone at night could be the demise of your citizens, but we will not falter Exiles! On this Yogtober, we urge you to join us in this great task! To keep his tentacles away, we pledge that you build a village more terrifying than Yog himself!  

Prizes will be dropping directly from Yog’s grasp 

This year Yog himself said all platforms are welcome in trying to scare him away. And he demanded that we divide the contest into 2 categories: unmodded and modded. 

Yogtober 2024 prizes

Both categories will have a first, second and third winners of the following: 

1st place: 
Nemedian Haunted Bundle + Cursed tree (knowledge unlocked from the Battle Pass Season 1, Chapter 2) + DLC of choice + Surprise package 

2nd place: 
Nemedian Haunted Bundle + Cursed tree (knowledge unlocked from the Battle Pass Season 1, Chapter 2) + DLC of choice 

3rd place:  
Buried arm prop (knowledge unlocked from the Nemedian Haunted bundle) + Haunted tree previously on the Battle Pass + DLC of choice 

Yog also asked us to convey that he might be ok with sending out a few additional gifts for honorable mentions. He seems to be in a good mood…So, get to building, Exiles!   

Due date

Beware of the dates, Exiles! Yog will not accept entries if they are submitted after the deadline. No sacrifice to his name will change his big head! 

The contest is officially starting today! 

Submissions will be accepted from October 21st to November 10th at 11pm UTC.  

What to do 

Read closely, Exile. If the requirements are not met to Yog’s expectations his wrath you might face! 

A scary village you shall build, and for it these must be observed: 

  1. Maximum of 20×20 foundation blocks or walls arranged at will or 40 blocks counting all the sides. Ensure you have all your decorations and building pieces within the maximum space. It could be a square, a circle, or a cat but it needs to sum to a maximum of 20×20 blocks or foundation walls. For example, you can make it 10×30, 5×35, or 15×25, if the max count of pieces around the village is 40 blocks.
    1. There is no vertical limit but be mindful we must be able to count the pieces and houses as described in the requirement number 2 and “How to enter” sections. 
  2. Minimum 4 houses/huts/structures. There is no but be mindful of how many you can fit within the 20×20 blocks range. A “house” is considered a contained space inside a village, with some artistic flexibility, such as lacking roof or a wall.
  3. Each construction should contain at least one follower-worker from any of the professions available and have a workbench/station they have access to. Workers are followers of the following professions: blacksmith, armorer, carpenter, alchemist, tanner, smelter, cook, sorcerer, priest, and taskmaster. At least 4 workers should be visible on the screenshots or video showcase.
  4. Your village should have at least 1 bed, 1 chair, and 1 campfire available to fulfill their workers’ needs and should be visible on the screenshots or video showcase. 

How to Enter

Exile, you can submit a single video or screenshots of your village containing the items described next in this section, additionally to the ones described in the “What to do” section. 

To submit your entry you must fill in the following form:  

Please note that without the information properly filled in your entry to the contest will not be admitted. 

Submitting your entry

If submitting a video: 

  • For a Video, please keep it to a maximum of 5 minutes.  
  • Add to the form a link to your video.  
    • Consider using easily accessible upload platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, or similar.  
    • If using Twitch, make sure to send a link to the timestamp starting where you would like for us to count the 5 minutes.  
    • Any video longer or not properly timestamped will only be considered for its 5 initial minutes.  
  • Only videos hosted on a public platform will be accepted into this contest.  
  • In the video, at some point, you must show the village from above or at a strategic position where the number of blocks and constructions used can be easily viewed and counted. 
    • Please make sure that part of the video where we can count the pieces and requirements can be paused and it’s clearly visible. 
  • Tag your video with the hashtag #YogtoberVillage  

If submitting screenshots:

  • For screenshots/pictures, up to 10 screenshots showcasing your village will be accepted.  
  • 1 screenshot out of the total of 10 must be from above the village or at a strategic position where the number of blocks and constructions used can be easily viewed and counted. 
  • Share in the form a link to your post on the “Creative Corner” section of the forum with your entry and tag #YogtoberVillage on the title.  
    • Easily accessible upload platforms such as Google Drive, One Drive, or Dropbox will also be accepted, send the link in the form.  
    • If using cloud platforms, make sure to allow anyone with the link to view it. If the folder is password protected, we will not be able to include you in the contest. 

Some basic rules: 

  • No editing pictures. 
  • No more than 1 entry per person per email/FuncomID 
  • No more than 10 pictures or 1 video link (no longer than 5 minutes). 
  • Entry must adhere to the Conan Exiles Code of Conduct.  
  • When you submit your building entry, you affirm that it is your own work. You may have help making it, but it can only be submitted once. Please do not submit an entry that you did not make. 
  • You may use DLC, Battle Pass, and Black Lotus Bazaar items. 
  • If on PC, you can use Ansel to take screenshots. 
  • If you want to submit your entry in the unmodded category make sure you don’t have any mods installed. If we spot any mods, even UI ones, your entry will be rejected. 
  • If you submit your entry in the modded category there are no limits on how many mods you can use. Go wild!  


We’ll be judging spookiness, creativity in building the village, how you dress your villagers, and if the vibes are worthy of Yogtober. Additionally, and above it if all the requirements were met. 

Our body of judges this year will include your Community managers, esteemed members of Funcom’s Council of Crom, and a few handpicked Content Creators you might know.  

Winners will be announced on November 19th.   

Terms and Conditions 

Odds of winning will be determined by the number of entries. 

Funcom’s Privacy Policy is at: Privacy Policy – Funcom 


Participants must be of legal age in their country of residence to participate. Directors, officers and employees of Sponsor, its parent, and any of their respective affiliate companies, subsidiaries, agents, professional advisors, advertising and promotional agencies, and immediate families of each are not eligible to win any prizes. All applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. 

Use of Entries:  
In consideration of the chance to enter the Contest, The Sponsor(s) shall have the perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide license and right to use, modify, reproduce, publish, perform, display, distribute, make derivative works of and otherwise commercially and non-commercially exploit Entrant’s name, character, likeness, and entry materials in perpetuity and throughout the universe, in any manner or medium now existing or hereafter developed, without separate compensation to Entrant or any other person or entity. 

General Release:  
By entering the Contest, Entrant releases participating sponsors and any of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agencies (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any liability whatsoever, and waive any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Contest or delivery, misdelivery, acceptance, possession, use of or inability to use any prize (including, without limitation, claims, costs, injuries, taxes, fees, losses and damages related to personal injuries, death, damage to or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy. 

Affidavit, Release and Data Collection:  
As a condition of being awarded any prize, winners will be required to execute and deliver to Sponsor’s a signed Affidavit of Eligibility, which includes an acceptance of these Official Rules, a release of liability and delivery information for prizes. Entrant is informed that the data collector is Funcom Oslo AS., and the data collected will be transferred to the United States of America. Upon request, Entrant will be provided with access to Entrant’s personal data. Entrant may withdraw their personal data upon request, however in such an event, Entrant will be disqualified as an entrant in the Contest prior to the fulfillment of prizes. 

Offered prizes are valued at the following: 

  • Nemedian Haunted bundle ($15.40)
  • Cursed tree ($5.40) 
  • DLC ($9.99) 
  • Surprise package containing: 1 T-shirt, 1 art poster, and 1 notebook estimated at ($107.38) 
  • Buried arm prop ($1.80) 

Winners List:  
November 19th at 2pm UTC winners will be posted on the Funcom official forums. 

Funcom Oslo AS. 
Kirkegata 12 N-0153 Oslo Norway 


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