Embark on a Wondrous Voyage with the Spellbound Skiff Skin

    Spellbound Skiff

    Spellbound Skiff Skin

    Start an enchanting adventure across the open seas with this mystical skiff skin, and be the envy of your wizardly friends!

    What’s in Stock

    We’re refreshing our seasonal selection of unique weapon skins with a 20% discount this Friday. Some of the incredible discounted items include the Dragon Spirit Focus Skin, Star Caller Warhorn Skin, Amethyst Aegis, Zafirah’s Rifle Skin, and many more!

    Spellbound Skiff

    Returning This Week

    Bank Tab Expansions and permanent lounge passes are 20% off until August 7. And don’t forget—the Zephyrite Aspect Helm Pack, Zephyrite Paraglider Glider, Phoenix Kite Glider, Aspect Master’s Greatsword, Lightning Kite, Sun Kite, and Wind Kite are 20% off until August 7 as well!

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!