The start of a new year is a great time to change up your look—or just your guild banners! ArenaNet Creative Partners have dreamed up thirty-seven brand-new guild emblems that you and your friends can use to express yourselves. With over three hundred emblems now available to choose from in Guild Wars 2, you’re sure to find something that suits your guild’s mood, whether you’re a noble order of heroes, a coalition of scoundrels, a battle-tested warband, or an ingenious krewe. Check out the designs and artists below, and customize them at your local Guild Registrar!
By Aun Hana
By Chilkat
By Gears2Gnomes
By Henry Ng
By Idaida
By Isvoc
By Landylachs
By Mike Nash
By RurushIchi
By Sarianne
By Senkkei
By Tealful Eyes
By Thunderpot
By Vasburg