Get ready for the spookiest season with ArchePass Season 5! This newest ArchePass arrives with a few changes, including the reduction from 3 pass paths to 1, making it more customizable and rewarding month-to-month. ArchePass Season 5 will be around for approximately a month, and although this season may be shorter, it’s bursting with loads of goodies that you’ll get to grab beginning October 15th!
New Pumpkin Pass
Basic Rewards
Full to the brim with Diligence Coins, Gilda Stars, Honorable Potion Crates, and other goodies to keep you going through the spookiest season in Erenor!
The brand new title – Spoopy – will be rewarded to those who complete the Basic path!
Premium Rewards
The Premium path offers incredibly useful goodies, such as a 30-day Auto Loot Powerstone, Bound Serendipity Stone, more Diligence Coins, and lots more!
At Rank 20, you’ll be able to traverse the world of Erenor with the most mysterious Powerstone Pumpkin pet, only available in Premium path. This magical pumpkin can cast the ultimate trick, making their owner immune from being targeted for a small window of time!
These changes are part of the ongoing tests we previously announced on September 15th. If you have any feedback regarding the Pumpkin Pass, please post it here as it will help shape the upcoming ArchePass in November and beyond.