The wait is almost over, Chosen Ones! Soon you will be able to enjoy the Garden of the Gods on our Fresh Start servers. We know you’re naturally curious, so here’s some information about it and a little change that applies now.
Fresh Start Servers Access for Silver Too!
You read correctly! We want everyone to enjoy the new Fresh Start servers, therefore are the Fresh Start servers being added to Silver Garden of the Gods Pack, Silver Bundles and any Base Game Purchases after May 21st!
How will the Fresh Start Servers be working?
Starting June 11th, you will be able to enter our two Fresh Start servers.
Stena for the NA region
Crazzian for the EU region.
Auction House and Arenas will have their own cluster for the Fresh Start servers in order to prevent unfair matchups with older servers.
How do I access the Fresh Start Servers?
The Fresh Start servers will open and be available for people who purchased any Pack or Bundle, or base game since the 21st of May, after the next maintenance is completed – on Thursday, June 11th. We are expecting the Update and the Fresh Start servers to open not before 2PM UTC for EU servers, 4PM PDT for NA servers.
We know how important it is to join Fresh Start from the very beginning, so keep an eye on our Official ArcheAge Discord for the most recent updates, we will of course let you know if anything changes.
After the Fresh Start servers are open, simply log in, select the Fresh Start Server of your region (EU: Crazzian, NA: Stena), and embrace some new adventures!
Anything else?
Regarding the ArchePass, please note that the Season 3 will not be active on the Fresh Start servers. The first Season to be active our these servers will be ArchePass Season 4.
Without ArchePass, life is hard, that’s why we’ve prepared some little surprises to make up for this lack.
Only in the Fresh Start servers, you will find the following items for free on the Marketplace:
200 Diligence Coins*
20 Bound Labor Rechargers*
*You can redeem 1 of each per account
We will for sure update you about how and when you can claim these items in the upcoming days. Can’t wait to claim lands and be the first to build your house on the Fresh Start servers? Housing will be claimable starting on June 20th at these following times:
EU server – 6/20 at 8AM PDT
NA server – 6/20 at 10AM PDT
Keep in mind that the pre-order exclusive items in our packs and the Bundles are available only until June 11th, so don’t wait too long!