Available Now in the Gem Store!
Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!
Extra Life 2024 Donation Bundle
Join us this year in making the world a better place! Purchase the Extra Life 2024 Bundle and receive cool in-game goodies while donating to an amazing cause.
This incredible bundle contains five Extra Life Karma Boosters, five Temporary Selfless Potions, and the all-new Guardian Angel Pedestal Chair. Purchasing any of these items will also grant you the in-game title “The Extra Life” in blue text. The Extra Life 2024 Donation Bundle is available for 800 gems. The Extra Life Karma Boosters can be obtained separately for 75 gems each or 275 gems for 10 boosters, with all proceeds going to Extra Life.
To thank our generous donors, once we reach our stretch goal of $105,000 in direct donations on the Team ArenaNet Extra Life page, anyone who purchased any Extra Life item in the Gem Store will automatically receive two special selection boxes to choose fan-favorite rewards from past events. Select the Feisty Feline Tonic, Mini Mr. Sparkles, Celebration Hat, or ten Kegs of Liquid Karma.
Visit our Extra Life campaign page Team ArenaNet and help us reach our stretch goal of $105,000 in direct donations this year. And please check out our Extra Life blog for more information about our upcoming 24-hour livestream on November 1.
We sincerely thank our community for always joining us for this incredibly rewarding event.
What’s in Stock
Starting November 1 and continuing for the next few days, select unique chairs will be 20% off, including the Dark Wing Throne, Great Lodge Chair, Legionnaire’s Chair, Qi Focusing Chair, Super Adventure Box Chair, Volcanic Throne, Street Noodles Chair, and Quiet Woods Chair. Long days of adventuring call for rest and relaxation; get your favorite chairs at an awesome discount!
Returning This Week
From today until November 5, Bank Tab Expansions, Armistice Bastion Pass, Lava Lounge Pass, Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey, Noble’s Folly Pass, Royal Terrace Pass, Thousand Seas Pavilion Pass, and Captain’s Airship Pass are available at a wonderful 20% discount. Easy access to everything you need!