Guild Season Schedules: Albion West Season 21 / Albion East Season 3


  1. Server Schedules
  2. Season Rewards
  3. What’s New This Season
  4. Detailed Season Schedule
  5. Crystal League Schedule

Server Schedules

Albion West Season 21 Schedule – Begins 23 September at 11:00 UTC

DateWeekdayEventPortal Binding RemovalDay of Season
23.09.2023SaturdaySeason start, territories reset, invasionsDisabled (11 UTC)1
24.09.2023SundayScoring starts2
25.09.2023MondayTerritory Battles startEnabled (11 UTC)3
21.10.2023SaturdayResets and invader spawnsDisabled (11 UTC)29
23.10.2023MondayEnabled (11 UTC)31
18.11.2023SaturdayResets and invader spawns, 2x scoreDisabled (11 UTC)57
20.11.2023MondayEnabled (11 UTC)59
16.12.2023SaturdayFinal Territory Battles85
17.12.2023SundayCrystal League final matches86
18.12.2023MondaySeason ends87

Albion East Season 3 Schedule – Begins 23 September at 00:00 UTC

DateWeekdayEventPortal Binding RemovalDay of Season
23.09.2023SaturdaySeason start, territories reset, invasionsDisabled (00 UTC)1
24.09.2023SundayScoring starts2
25.09.2023MondayTerritory Battles startEnabled (00 UTC)3
21.10.2023SaturdayResets and invader spawnsDisabled (00 UTC)29
23.10.2023MondayEnabled (00 UTC)31
18.11.2023SaturdayResets and invader spawns, 2x scoreDisabled (00 UTC)57
20.11.2023MondayEnabled (00 UTC)59
16.12.2023SaturdayFinal Territory Battles85
17.12.2023SundayCrystal League final matches86
18.12.2023MondaySeason ends87

Season Rewards

New Mount Skins

This season introduces two brand-new rewards for multiple season winners: players who already have a Guild Season Winner Direwolf Skin unlocked can use another Guild Season Winner unlock item to upgrade this to a new Epic Guild Season Winner Direwolf Skin. In turn, this can be upgraded to a Legendary Guild Season Winner Direwolf Skin with another unlock item, thus rewarding those who win two or three Guild Seasons, respectively. This can be done at the Vanity Merchant.

  • Epic Guild Season Winner skin: requires 1 x Guild Season Winner Skin and 1 x Guild Season Winner unlock item
  • Legendary Guild Season Winner skin: requires 1 x Epic Guild Season Winner Skin and 1 x Guild Season Winner unlock item

The skins will become available at the vanity merchant with the next patch, but if you receive an unlock item before you can claim the new skins there once the patch launches. These skins are not tradable to other players.

Conqueror’s Challenge Rewards

The general Conqueror’s Challenge rewards are as follows:

Season Avatars

Ranking guilds will receive new avatars:

  • Crystal Pyromancer Avatar
  • Gold Pyromancer Avatar
  • Silver Pyromancer Avatar
  • Bronze Pyromancer Avatar

Crystal League Schedule and Changes

This season brings some significant changes to the Crystal League. Firstly, the Lethal Crystal League has been removed entirely, and all 20v20 matches are non-lethal from the end of Season 20. This also means that following Season 21 there will be no Crystal League Championship. Finally, Crystal League matches no longer grant Season Points. For more on these changes and the reasoning behind them, click here:

Here are the full schedules for the Crystal League, with times for each server: