Guild Season Wrapup: 19 West / 1 East

The dust has settled on another Guild Season – and for the first time in Albion’s history, this one played out as two dual full seasons on Albion’s two servers. Congrats to Albion West winners Paura and Albion East winners Fr Bailand! Read on for a summary of how these seasons unfolded on each server, and see the top-ten ranking for each at the end of this article. (Thanks to @Robinhoodrs for the season summaries below.)

Albion West: Newcomers Take the Crown
As Season 19 started out, not much had changed from the end of Season 18. The wars that engulfed the Outlands were still raging as IXXXI coalition battled the TERRA coalition in the south. Paura declared they would claim the number-one spot in Season 19, and with this being their last season, they also wanted to break the record held by Blue Army for most season points gained. This required a push from them in all content from the 5v5 and 20v20 Crystal Leagues, to Castle warfare and Territory battles.

Though at the start there was a battle for the number one spot as Overseas Chinese Headquarters were also pushing, with a close race between the two until a month into the Season, eventually OCH bowed out and ceded the top spot. As Season 19 came to an end, wars of many seasons were still raging, guilds diisbanded and alliances crumbled, but as always, new guilds and alliances have been forming for the start of Albion’s next season.

Albion East: The First Full Season
The Albion East Beta Season ran from February 20 to March 13, allowing guilds with beta access to compete in a unique shorter season. Ultimately, SIAM proved their might, besting all other guilds in a three-week race to the top. With the full launch of Albion East, the first (nearly) full-length season was underway. With the start of a whole new server came whole new guilds and alliances and the battles for control of the Outlands in Albion Online.

With wars popping up all over the Outlands, there was one guild that was quietly tucked away, slowly building their guild economy and growing their forces for battle: Fr Bailand. Holding onto the Old White spawns for the mammoth cub market, they were able to be the first guild to have a Command Mammoth on the battlefield, albeit the first to have two fall in battle as well.

As wars raged around them, they focused on their goal: the first post-beta season title on Albion East. And so they massed for Castles, raided mages, and battled it out in the Crystal League. It wasn’t all smooth sailing, as backstabbing and betrayal took place between the other high-ranking guilds, leading into a potential all-out war going into Season 2.

Check out last weekend’s East War Report on AlbionTV here:

Looking Ahead & Top Tens
Next up this weekend is the Crystal League Championship, with one day each for Albion East (on June 10 and Albion West (on June 11). Tune in to AlbionTV to watch all the action live – more details here. And get ready for the next Guild Season, kicking off on June 17 with fully synchronized dates on the two servers – see the full next-season schedules and timers here.

Albion West’s Top Ten Guilds (Season 19)

  1. Paura (1,231,398 points)
  2. Fax (676,575 points)
  3. Be Careful (503,658 points)
  4. Overseas Chinese Headquarters (429,264 points)
  5. Wild Card (358,108 points)
  6. Free Beer (357,807 points)
  7. VOODOO (320,759 points)
  8. PizzaDelivery (312,123 points)
  9. EQMS EQMS (304,346 points)
  10. SUN (300,765 points)

Albion East’s Top Ten Guilds (Season 1)

  1. Fr Bailand (1,282,464 points)
  2. S I A M (1,018,315 points)
  3. Judicate (773,757 points)
  4. One Gin (547,797 points)
  5. PSC (524,022 points)
  6. QWER (438,993 points)
  7. Winter (392,480 points)
  8. Death or Glory (365,988 points)
  9. Overcharged (346,203 points)
  10. SINAG (312,660 points)