Declare War on the High Seas with the Dreadnought Skiff Skin

    Free Macaw Wings Glider Combo

    Log in to Guild Wars 2 anytime in June and pick up a free Macaw Wings Glider Combo! Show off your rainbow feathers—a celebration of your aunthentic self! Happy Pride Month, Tyria!

    Dreadnought Skiff Skin

    Steam across turbulent waves with heavy furnaces and an engine as sturdy as the Black Citadel itself.

    Dreadnought Skiff Skin

    Salmon Run Fishing Rod Skin

    Find the tastiest fish with Bear’s guidance; your catches will be blessed by her spirit!

    What’s in Stock

    We’re refreshing our seasonal selection of permanent finishers and permanent lounge passes this Friday with a 20% discount. Some of the incredible discounted items include the Permanent Gift Finisher, Permanent Snowman Finisher, Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey, and more!

    Returning This Week

    Bank Tab Expansions and all permanent lounge passes are 20% off until June 12. Get everything you need with these amazing sales!

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!