Guild Season Schedules: Albion West Season 19 / Albion East Season 1

Guild Season Schedules: Albion West Season 19 / Albion East Season 1

Normally, Guild Seasons on Albion West (Washington, DC server) and Albion East (Singapore server) will start and end on the same date. However, as the Albion East server launch takes place after the regular season start date, the first Albion East season will begin several weeks later and be slightly shorter. Both seasons will end on the same date.

Season Schedule: Albion West Season 19

DateWeekdayEventPortal Binding RemovalDay of Season
11.03.2023SaturdaySeason start: reset, invasion, all the trimmingsDisabled (11 UTC)1
12.03.2023SundayScoring starts (by time zone)2
13.03.2023MondayTerritory Battles StartEnabled (11 UTC)3
08.04.2023SaturdayResets and invader spawnsDisabled (11 UTC)29
10.04.2023MondayEnabled (11 UTC)31
06.05.2023SaturdayResets and invader spawns, 2x scoreDisabled (11 UTC)57
08.05.2023MondayEnabled (11 UTC)59
03.06.2023SaturdayFinal Territory Battles85
04.06.2023SundayCrystal League Final Matches86
05.06.2023MondaySeason end87

Season Schedule: Albion East Season 1

DateWeekdayEventPortal Binding RemovalDay of Season
25/03/2023SaturdaySeason start: reset, invasion, all the trimmingsDisabled (0 UTC)1
26/03/2023SundayScoring starts (by time zone)2
27/03/2023MondayTerritory Battles StartEnabled (0 UTC)3
15/04/2023SaturdayResets and invader spawnsDisabled (0 UTC)22
17/04/2023MondayEnabled (0 UTC)24
06/05/2023SaturdayResets and invader spawns, 3x scoreDisabled (0 UTC)43
08/05/2023MondayEnabled (0 UTC)45
03/06/2023SaturdayFinal Territory Battles71
04/06/2023SundayCrystal League Final Matches72
05/06/2023MondaySeason end73

Crystal League / Crystal Arena

Changed Match Rules for Crystal League and Crystal Arena:

5v5 Crystal League & Crystal Arena

  • At the end of each round, all scoring Runestones reset. This means that the team that holds more Runestones at the end of each round loses their Runestones.
  • Scoring Round: 60s → 150s
  • Point Changes:
    • 1-Runestone advantage: 10 →25
    • 2-Runestone advantage: 10 → 35
    • 3-Runestone advantage: 20 → 50
  • Runestone Channel Range: 4m → 8m
  • Map change: Cross → Spade

20v20 Crystal League

  • At the end of each Round, all scoring Runestones reset. Meaning the team that holds more Runestones at the end of each Round loses their Runestones.
  • Scoring Round: 120s → 180s
  • Scoring Changed:
    • 1 Runestone advantage 10 → 30
    • 2 Runestones advantage 10 → 45
    • 3 Runestones advantage 20 → 60
    • 4 Runestones advantage 20 → 75
    • 5 Runestones advantage 60 → 90
  • Runestone Channel Range: 4m → 8m

From this season (S19 West / S1 East) onwards, we are splittig the Crystal League time slots into different slots for Albion West and Albion East.

Crystal League Schedule (Albion West)…dd8bfd9502e6a69f0c28198f7
Crystal League Schedule (Albion East)…dd8bfd9502e6a69f0c28198f7
Conqueror’s Challenge Rewards…dd8bfd9502e6a69f0c28198f7

Guild Season Avatars

New Avatars awarded to ranking guilds:

  • Crystal Sword Dancer Avatar
  • Gold Sword Dancer Avatar
  • Silver Sword Dancer Avatar
  • Bronze Sword Dancer Avatar

Guild Season Winner – Vanity Mount

The first three guilds in the Guild Rankings will no longer receive a furniture item of their season statue. Instead, they will receive new skins for the Direwolf.

These skins are unlock items that can be freely traded:

Direwolf Skin: Guild Season Winner
Direwolf Skin: Guild Season 2nd Place
Direwolf Skin: Guild Season 3rd Place

Conqueror’s Challenge Changes

  • Crystal Spider:
    • Might needed per level doubled
      • Level 1: 3,000 -> 6,000
      • Level 2: 7,500 – 15,000
      • etc.