Democratically minded Capsuleers!
Over the last couple of weeks, we have reviewed all the CSM applications to ensure that they meet the outlined guidelines and eligibility requirements. We initially made a commitment this round of aiming to have a 72-hour turnaround for applicants this term. We acknowledge that we didn’t hit that number as close as we’d hoped with every single applicant due to a combination of issues surrounding both Fanfest and COVID-19 illness across the team, but we did still get the bulk of the applications confirmed in record time.
To give a summary and reminder of the timeline for upcoming CSM17 key dates:
- ~~2 May – 16 May – Submissions Open~~
- ~~9 May – 20 May – Application Processing~~
- 25 May – Live Candidates announcement (You are here)
- 25 May – 5 June – Active Campaign Period
- 7 June (11:00 UTC) – 14 June (11:00 UTC) – Voting period
- 16 June – CSM 17 Announcement
However, with no further ado, it is with great excitement that we can confirm and present to you the full list of candidates for the upcoming Council of Stellar Management 17! From events operators to 3rd party developers and from Nullsec candidates to Highsec candidates (with a sprinkling from Pochven, Wormhole, and Lowsec) we have a great selection of applicants this year!
We are excited to confirm that the total number of applicants this year is 45 people. Only three of the incumbents have made a return this year, so it’s shaping up to be a very fresh-looking CSM next term.
The CSM Campaign period begins now, 25 May, and runs for a little under two weeks until 5 June. During this period, you will be able to learn more about your prospective candidates and hear about why they should earn your votes! Each candidate has a forum thread on the Eve Online forums with a comprehensive overview of their campaign platform. Of course, many of our Eve Online Partners and other content producers may offer to cover the CSM campaigns, providing a plethora of sounding boards for the various messages that candidates would like to get across.
As with last year, CCP will be hosting brief interviews with the candidates during this active campaign period live on CCPTV. We’ll be announcing the schedule around this time, so keep an eye out on Twitter, Facebook, and the forums to tune in and hear from your favourite candidate. Don’t worry if you can’t attend live, though, the VoD will be saved on the channel giving you ample opportunity to listen to the interviews for any of the candidates during the voting period!
The CSM elections utilize a unique voting system, called the STV system. it is possible to select a variety of candidates to vote for on your ballot and we’d recommend that you fill your ballot sheet up with those who have piqued your interest as there is always an opportunity that the votes will trickle down if someone on your ballot gets voted in!
CSM 17 Candidates
🔍 Click on the candidate’s card to view their campaign forum post!