HungerDome Testing Update


We want to give a huge “thank you” to all of you in the Beta community who made time last week and over the weekend to join our first round of Crowfall: HungerDome testing. Your feedback was exceptionally helpful, and we are extremely grateful for your support — especially on such short notice. 

For now, we have all the feedback that we need and we are already parsing that feedback into actionable tasks for the team.  Rather than share specific feedback/focus areas, we hope to have those interested play the next release when ready, and again, share feedback on the quality of the experience.  We don’t have an ETA yet on the next round of HD testing, but we’ll be working hard to get it scheduled and announced as soon as possible.

As always, our priority is to deliver the best game that we can, for and with the help of our community. Your support is a critical part of our success, and we appreciate your engagement and support.
