Guild Season 11 begins on Saturday, December 5.
You can read about the major changes coming this season at the end of this post, or in more detail here: forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/139364
Key Dates
- December 5, 2020 (Saturday): Season 11 starts, Invasion Day #1, all Territories Reset
- December 6, 2020 (Sunday): Scoring starts (by timezone)
- December 7, 2020 (Monday): Territory Battles Start
- January 2, 2021 (Saturday): Invasion Day #2 – Energy/Season Point Storage Payout, all Territories Reset
- January 30, 2021 (Saturday): Invasion Day #3 – Energy/Season Point Storage Payout, all Territories Reset, Territory and Castle scoring doubles
- February 27, 2021 (Saturday): Scoring of Territories and Castles Ends, Energy/Season Point Storage Payout, Final 20v20 Crystal League Matches
- February 28, 2021 (Sunday): Final 5v5 Crystal League Matches
- March 1, 2021 (Monday): Season Ends at 9:59 UTC
December 5, 2020: Start of Season 11
- Season starts at 11:00 UTC
- After maintenance, ownership of all territories is reset, so all resource territories become unowned
- They go into an unclaimable state at this point, so no guild can reclaim them yet
- Over Saturday and Sunday you will have two opportunities to claim batches of territories:
- Territories with a primetime starting at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 UTC happen at 18:00 UTC on Saturday
- Territories with a primetime starting at 00:00, 03:00, 05:00 UTC happen at 01:00 UTC on Sunday
- A Guardian boss will appear in the territory, which must be defeated for the territory to become claimable. The boss is balanced for groups of about 5 players
- Guild Challenge starts
December 6, 2020: Territory and Castle Scoring Begins
- At the start of each territory’s primetime over the weekend, scoring is enabled for that territory
- Territories score 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 or 240 Season Points every day at the zone’s primetime, depending on the territory’s position in the Outlands. The closer to the center the Territory is, the more Season Points it scores. For exact value per territory, see: forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/123127.
- Territory scores can be further increased by leveling up your tower. For details on Territory levels, see: forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/122485
- You can click on the territory on the map to see how many points it scores
- Points are scored at the end of each territory’s primetime
- These territory points are generated by Siphoning Mages, which have the following behavior:
- They spawn dynamically (1.5h, 2h, 3h, 6h) until the maximum of four are present
- They can be killed by any player who is not part of the territory guild’s alliance
- If you kill another guild’s Siphoning Mages, they drop Siphoned Energy
- Siphoned Energy can be withdrawn (and re-deposited) by Guild Masters and Right Hands
- Castles score 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, or 270 Season Points every six hours, depending on the castle’s position in the Outlands. The closer to the center the Castle is, the more Season Points it scores. Scoring takes place at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 UTC regardless of the cluster’s prime time.
- Castle Outposts score 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, or 48 Season Points every three hours, depending on the Castle Outpost’s position in Outlands. The closer to the center the Castle Outpost is, the more Season Points it scores.
December 7, 2020: Territory Battles Start
For details of open-world territory control, see: forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/122485
January 2, 2021: Invasion Day #2, Territory Reset
- Territory claims are dropped at downtime at 10:00 UTC
- Territories become claimable, and Guardian Bosses spawn
- Territories with a primetime starting at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 UTC happen at 18:00 UTC on Saturday
- Territories with a primetime starting at 00:00, 03:00, 05:00 UTC happen at 01:00 UTC on Sunday
January 30, 2021: Invasion Day #3, Territory Reset + DOUBLE POINTS for Territories, Castles, Castle Outposts and Mage Raiding
- Territory claims are dropped at downtime at 10:00 UTC
- Territories become claimable, and Guardian Bosses spawn
- Territories with a primetime starting at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 UTC happen at 18:00 UTC on Saturday
- Territories with a primetime starting at 00:00, 03:00, 05:00 UTC happen at 01:00 UTC on Sunday
- Additionally, from this point until the end of the season, season points from Territories, Castles, Castle Outposts and Mage Raiding are doubled, so the final month is worth as much as the previous two combined
February 27, 2021: Last Call for Territory Battles, Final 20v20 Crystal League Matches
- Point scoring for the season ends for each territory at the end of its downtime, and territories cannot be challenged between this time and the end of the season
February 28, 2021: Final 5v5 Crystal League Matches
March 1, 2021: Season Ends
- At maintenance (10:00 UTC) the season officially ends and a winner is declared
New This Season
20v20 Crystal League Battles
With Guild Season 11, 20v20 Crystal Realm battles will be available with their own seasonal league. Details:
- Levels 1 and 2 20v20 tokens can be bought at the Energy Manipulator for 150,000 and 300,000 Silver respectively
- The signup process and match schedule follow a similar pattern to the 5v5 League
- However, matches will have the same ruleset and similar map layout to the former 20v20 city fights
City Fights will no longer happen, and guilds will no longer be able to control cities. Guilds with Town Hall storage chests when the patch is deployed can retrieve their items from the City Bank “Recovery” tab in the same city.
Siege Camps will be removed from the game. Items in their chests will move as follows:
- Outlands Siege Camps: these have been replaced with new Outlands Banks. Items can be recovered from these banks for free; creating a new usable tab requires the usual Silver fee.
- Royal Continent Siege Camps: items can be retrieved from the Recovery tab at the Bank of Caerleon.
Crystal League Season Points / Daily Point Limits
In Season 10, mid-level Crystal League matches gave too many Season Points, making it possible to dominate a season primarily via these matches. Season Points for these matches have been decreased for Season 11:
- Level 3: 25→ 15
- Level 4: 75→ 40
- Level 5: 200→ 100
- Level 6: 500→ 250
- Level 7: 1000→ 600
- Level 8: 2500→ 1600
Additionally, there is now a daily limit for Season Points earned from the Crystal League. This limit makes it less desirable to accumulate elite Crystal League teams in one guild and instead creates an incentive for top teams to spread across various guilds.
- Daily limits vary based on which match types are available on a given day
- Daily limits for 5v5 and 20v20 are independent and separate from each other
For further details, see this post: forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/139364
Smart Cluster Queue Changes
When a cluster is overcrowded and the Smart Cluster Queue activates, players can now either join the queue or skip the overcrowded cluster entirely. Additionally, the distance players can move from the entrance before being kicked from the queue has been greatly increased, allowing queued armies to spread out further and avoid being ambushed by players leaving the main battle.
Castle Scoring Changes
- Castle scoring now starts at 00:00 UTC regardless of a zone’s prime time
- Castles give Season Points every 6 hours
- Castle Outposts give season points every 3 hours
- Castle Chests appear on Saturdays at 12:00 and 18:00 UTC and Sundays at 00:00 UTC
- Castle Outpost Chests appear every 6 hours
- Season Point payouts have been scaled accordingly
World Boss and Raid Zone Changes
- Fame for all Elite mobs in World Boss Raid Zones, including World Bosses themselves, has been massively increased
- World Bosses now spawn once per hour instead of once per day
- Other elite mobs in Raid zones respawn approximately 30 minutes after being killed
- Season Points from World Bosses have been adjusted accordingly:
- Tier 7: 40→ 12
- Tier 8: 50→ 15
- Defeating a major World Boss (Demon Prince, Earthmother, Harvester) now grants an hour-long buff that increases Fame for killing mobs within the same zone by 20%. Buff is limited to 20 allies and is lost upon dying, leaving the zone, or logging out.
Castle Distance Changes
Minimum travel distances between Castles in the Outlands have been increased by removing or changing various zone connections and passageways. Castles are now at least 4 zones apart, making it harder for one guild to defend numerous castles simultaneously.
For full details of these changes and the intentions behind them, please see this forum post: forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/139364