Community Crunch 241: Fear Evolved 4, Live Tuning System, Network Improvements, and More!

Fear Evolved 4

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It’s time to Trick or Treat whilst howling under the blood moon! The Dodorex and Dodowyvern will be striking fear into the hearts of Survivors with their fearsome return to the ARK! Hunt for new diabolical chibis, spectral creature skins, event themed threads, and new holiday emotes. Fear Evolved is one of our favorite events and we can’t wait for you to experience what we’ve conjured up this year!

Event Details

This event can be manually activated with the server arg parameter: -ActiveEvent=FearEvolved

Dates October 22nd to November 6th


2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, and maturation)

2X Player XP


In addition to some of the past favorites from Fear Evolved, survivors will find themselves on the hunt for 11 new spooky themed chibi’s to add to their growing collection and 7 new ghostly dinosaur skins.

Spooky Encounters

DodoRex (Untamable Boss)

DodoWyvern (Untamable Boss)


Zombie Fire Wyvern (claimable & persist after Fear Evolved)

Zombie Lightning Wyvern (claimable & persist after Fear Evolved)

Zombie Poison Wyvern (claimable & persist after Fear Evolved)

Skeletal Giganotosaurus

Skeletal Quetzal

Skeletal Jerboa

Bone Fire Wyvern

Skeletal Bronto

Skeletal Stego

Skeletal Trike

Skeletal Raptor

Skeletal Rex

Skeletal Carnotaurus

Ghost Reaper (Surface reapers) *new*

Ghost Bulbdog *new*

Ghost Rex *new*

Ghost Basilisk *new*

Ghost Snow Owl *new*

Ghost Mantis *new*

Ghost Direwolf *new*

Event Chibis (acquired via killing Dodowyvern/Dodorex or Cooking Pot recipe)

Skeletal Giganotosaurus *new*

Skeletal Quetzal *new*

Skeletal Jerboa *new*

Skeletal Bronto *new*

Skeletal Stego *new*

Skeletal Trike *new*

Skeletal Raptor *new*

Skeletal Rex *new*

Skeletal Carnotaurus *new*

Bone Wyvern *new*

Zombie Wyvern *new*

Ghost Creature Skins (acquired via killing Ghost creatures)

Reaper *new*

Bulbdog *new*

Rex *new*

Basilisk *new*

Snow Owl *new*

Mantis *new*

Direwolf *new*



Stolen Headstone


Dinosaur Bone

Dino Candy Corn

Emotes (acquired via Cooking Pot recipe)

Scare Emote *new*

Knock Emote *new*

Zombie Emote

Dance Emote

Panic Emote

Skins (acquired via Cooking Pot recipe)

Reaper Swimsuit Skin *new*

Jack-O-Lantern Swimsuit Skin *new*

Pumpkin Helmet Skin

Headless Costume Skin

Hockey Mask Skin

Araneo Swimsuit Skins

Onyc Swimsuit Skins

Vampire Dodo Swimsuit Skins

Creature Event Colors

Dino Darker Grey

Dino Light Blue

Dino Dark Yellow


Light Brown

Light Grey

Dino Light Brown

Dino Dark Brown


Vermillion *new*

ActualBlack *new*

MidnightBlue *new*

MediumAutumn *new*

DarkWarmGray *new*

Orange *new*

DarkLavender *new*

Jade *new*

Live Tuning System

The latest major PC version supports our Initial Implementation of the ‘Live Tuning’ system. The ‘Live Tuning’ system is a dynamic configuration system which will allow server hosts to easily modify supported game properties without the need for mods. All that is required is a simple edit of a json file, and you’re good to go! As you can imagine, this new dynamic configuration system will provide useful options for server administrators, especially as we grow it out to support more properties.

For the modding community, this system is also very powerful. Modders may have actually seen it before in the property details panel. When you add variables there is a checkbox for “Live-Tunable”. Checking that box on properties will opt them into the system. By doing so, this will allow server owners to tweak mod settings on the fly without the need for mod updates.

As the system evolves, we hope to add more options and expose more values to tweak. The ‘Live Tuning’ system provides ways for server administrators to offer dynamic events in a quick, simple, and straightforward way. For more information on the ‘Live Tuning’ system and how to set it up, check out the following thread. We’ll be adding more details as the system continues to expand:

Networking & Live Game Improvements

One of our constant priorities is monitoring the live-game and server reliability. Over the past few weeks, we’ve noticed an increase in reports about server instability. The causes of server instability may range but our engineering team has been hard at work diagnosing the root causes.

In a past Community Crunch we noted that we’ve been working on technical changes behind the scenes to increase server performance and mitigate some of the attacks we’re seeing against the servers. We’ve made improvements to mesh detection, added more protection against DDOS, and fixed various exploits/cheats that could be used to intentionally crash servers. Since deploying those changes we have seen a noticeable decrease in some of the server instability reports and attacks we were seeing. Although things have improved, we will continue to work against malicious players who intend to ruin the experience for others.

Structure Stasis Changes

We’ve made some changes with a focus on improving performance. This reworks how structures are loaded/unloaded on the server. The simple idea is that fewer calculations take place at a given time with the new system so the server doesn’t have to do as much. Something to note is that the performance gains are more noticeable when more active structures are present (so think really busy, large bases) and an increased number of players on a server.

The structures are now broken up into a grid, when a player logs in they are assigned grid cells appropriate to their location, and the structures in those cells are loaded. That way not all are loaded.

This setting is enabled by default on Official Servers, and Unofficials can now opt-into using the new system too by setting the following server parameter in their commandline:


This will work on both PC and Console, but we highly recommend that it is not used on servers with mods, as there are some assumptions made about structures in stasis and this could cause issues with modded content, however in a future devkit update, you’ll be able to opt said structures out of the system to avoid the issues.

TLDR: Predominantly busy servers with a lot of players and big bases will be seeing the most significant performance gains.

Official Discord

Our Official ARK Discord launched a few weeks ago and it’s thriving with 35k users already! If you’d like to get in on the action for updates, patch notes, a community hub, bulletin board, and sometimes chatting with us, you can join via this invite!

EVO Event

Survivors on all platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 9th of Oct at 3 PM EST until Monday the 12th of Oct at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Breeding/Maturing

2x XP

Fan Art








We’re always thrilled to see what our talented Community create and love sharing your fanart. Keep it coming!

Until next time! Studio Wildcard

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