With the arrival of both the Blue Salt Festival and the Ipnysh Sanctuary this week, Erenor will be brimming with colorful characters! Some will want to party on the beach all day long, while others will want to explore the ancient beauties of the Ipnysh Sanctuary. Which will you choose? Perhaps you won’t choose and have both: an explorer by day and a party animal by night! It all kicks off on August 13th!
ArcheAge Free-to-Play Marketplace Update:

The temperature is rising so it’s time for the Blue Salt Festival!
Blue Salt Festival is finally back, so why not look your absolute best in Sanddeep with the Noble’s Beach Garments? It is sure to turn heads with its royal and elegant appeal, even if you’re stuffing your face with a mouthful of scrumptious fried chicken. This Crate is only available until August 20th, so make sure to get your hands on it quickly!
With this Crate, you’ll have a chance to receive the Noble’s Beach Garments or useful consumables. This Crate contains Merchant’s Favor that can be exchanged for cosmetics in Mirage Isle.
Noble’s Beach Garments Crate – 450 Credits
Raising Hell(wraith Kirins)
The corruption of Kyrios has delivered us the mighty Hellwraith Kirin. Use this powerful red Kirin to increase your enemy’s Received Damage +8% during the throes of battle in the Garden of the Gods, or put on the Lotusmist Costume and dress your best for your newest adventure to the Ipnysh Sanctuary! This package is only available for purchase until August 16th!
Garden of the Gods Update Pack (Legacy)* – 12,000 Credits
Contains: Hellwraith Kirin, Lotusmist Costume, 1x Dye Ticket, 10x Round Festival Fireworks
* Limited 1x per account
An Explorer’s Essentials!
The Ipnysh Sanctuary may be filled with grave dangers, but it’s also filled with secrets begging to be unearthed. Even brave explorers need help from time to time, and this is no exception. Explore the Sanctuary’s secrets with the Sanctuary Explorer’s Pack. It will keep you well-fed and ready for surprises! Exploring the Sanctuary means studying every detail of it, so act fast and grab the Mistsong Grinding Guardian Scrolls for additional entries – after you’ve hit the entry cap – to the Dungeon!
Sanctuary Explorer’s Pack – 600 Credits**
Contains: 3x Mistsong Guardian Grinding Scroll, 20x Adventurer’s Deluxe Sandwich, 20x Adventurer’s Hearty Soup, 15x Adventurer’s Desert Fire, 15x Adventurer’s Mossy Pool, 2x Bound Ultimate Elixir of the Hunt
5x Mistsong Grinding Guardian Scroll – 300 Credits **
**Limited 1x per account per day
A Modern Storage Solution for Costumes
You’ve asked for it and now it’s here! The highly requested Costume Closet has finally arrived in ArcheAge. This storage chest can accommodate up to 30 costumes to carry around with you in Erenor! Say goodbye to the days of cramming your fancy clothes and say hello to the glorious day of properly storing them the way they deserve.
Costume Closet – 1,275 Credits
Let’s celebrate the Ipnysh Sanctuary with some sweet giveaways, shall we? Get one Garden Elixir per day and 30 extra Manastorm Crystals to help you on your journey! This giveaway lasts until September 3rd so make sure to collect your daily!
Please note: Although the tooltip of the Garden Elixir states that it continues to countdown while offline, it does not. The issue has been reported and will be fixed as soon as possible.”
Garden Elixir – FREE **
30 Manastorm Crystals – FREE*
*Limited 1x per account
** Limited 1x per account per day
ArcheAge: Unchained Marketplace Update:
Look cool while getting that perfect suntan!
Be the coolest one in Sanddeep when you hit the beach for the Blue Salt Festival. Get your very own Noble’s Beach Garments and enjoy the cool afternoon summer breeze while also looking hella hot! The Noble’s Beach Garments are available until August 27th.
Noble’s Beach Garments – 3,000 Credits

Unchain the Hellwraith Kirin
The corruption of Kyrios has given us the Hellwraith Kirin. Use this juvenile red Kirin to explore the Garden of the Gods or put on the Lotusmist Costume to dress your best for your newest adventure to the Ipnysh Sanctuary! This package is only available for purchase until August 16th!
Please note: The Juvenile Hellwraith Kirin does not have any skills.
Garden of the Gods Update Pack (Unchained) – 10,000 Credits*
Contains: Juvenile Hellwraith Kirin, Lotusmist Costume, 1x Dye Ticket, 10x Round Festival Fireworks
*Limited 1x per account
The world is vast and waiting to be explored!
The Ipnysh Sanctuary holds many dangers and just as many secrets. Brave explorers of Erenor, your exploration of the Sanctuary’s secrets will be long, so get some help with the Sanctuary Explorer’s Pack! It will keep you well-fed and ready for anything!
Sanctuary Explorer’s Pack – 200 Diligence Coins**
Contains: 3x Mistsong Guardian Grinding Scroll, 20x Adventurer’s Deluxe Sandwich, 20x Adventurer’s Hearty Soup, 15x Adventurer’s Desert Fire, 15x Adventurer’s Mossy Pool, 2x Bound Ultimate Elixir of the Hunt
** Limited 1x per account per day
Store your Costumes in Style
We’ve heard you loud and clear! The highly requested Costume Closet has arrived in ArcheAge: Unchained. This storage chest can hold up to 30 costumes to carry around with you in Erenor! Care for your finest threads as they should.
Costume Closet – 1,275 Credits
The Ipnysh Sanctuary is here and we’re giving away a free Garden Elixir every day until September 3rd!
Please note: Although the tooltip of the Garden Elixir states that it continues to countdown while offline, it does not. The issue has been reported and will be fixed as soon as possible.
Garden Elixir – FREE **
** Limited 1x per account per day
Fusion Alembics on Discount!
Master your style by using image items over your equipment and create your very own unique style. To image items, you’ll need Fusion Alembics and in the spirit of the Blue Salt Festival, we feel everyone should look their best no matter! So Fusion Alembics are on sale until August 20th!
Bound Fusion Alembic – 299 Credits
Hurry and grab these deals before they are buried deep under a mound of sand on August 27th!