The weather is slowly warming up in Erenor and it’s time to prepare the lights, camera, and action! Pick out a new look and put on your dancing heels, it’s about to get hot in here. Whether you’re dancing, prancing, or enhancing, we’ve got what you need!
Walking to the sound of your favorite song
Do you want to spend your summer dancing until your energy runs out? A dancer without his costume is not a real dancer. Enjoy our costumes: with the Restless Dancer Costume, everyone will have their eyes on you while you are on the dance floor! If you prefer to dance in the shadow of the eyes, the Mysterious Riddler Costume will suit you perfectly, and the Ancient Riddler Chest will be useful too. Dance is not your thing and you’d rather sunbathe? Look at you, you’ll be ready for the beach with this Summer Racer’s Swimwear!
Ancient Riddler Chest – 450 Credits
Contains: 5x Sunlight Archeum Crystal, 5x Sunlight Archeum Essence
Mysterious Riddler Costume – 450 Loyalty
Restless Dancer Costume – 3000 Credits
Summer Racer’s Swimwear – 1400 Credits
Last-minute preparations
You think you are not ready (enough) to face the many dangers and mysteries that make up the Garden of the Gods? It’s understandable. So we’ve got just the thing for you! Get the Garden’s Explorer and get a chance to get many Glorious Hiram Infusions to upgrade your gear and become invincible.
Garden Explorer’s Bag – 800 Credits
Contains 2-50 Glorious Hiram Infusions.
Dancin’ In the Moonlight
Aaah, the Moonwalk, who has never tried to reproduce this mythical dance without falling down and giving up immediately? Well, don’t give up too quickly, because it turns out that you actually have a hidden power in ArcheAge and you can dance the Moonwalk the first time without pain. Give it a try!
Moonlight Dancer’s Pack – 3500 Credit
Contains: Moonlight Dancer’s Hat, Moonlight’s Dancer’s Jacket, Moonlight’s Dancer’s Gloves, Moonlight’s Dancer’s Shoes, Bound Dance: Moonwalk.
Dance: Moonwalk – 2000 Credits
New June Packs!
This month’s packages are full of surprises to allow you to face the Garden of the Gods with confidence… and in style, of course.
June Growth Pack – 4000 Credits*
Contains: 30x Manastrom Crystals, 20x Bound Double Hunting XP Elixir, 5x Bound Lucky Elixir, 7x Hiram Guardian Crate, 6x Radiant Hiram Infusion, 1x Watermelon Swimwear, 1x 30-Day Aquestria
June Superior Equipment Pack – 7500 Credits*
Contains: Radiant Infusion Supply Kit x100, Superior Awakenin SDcroll Ticket x1, Bound Resplendent Lunar Temper x6, Bound Resplendent Solar Temperx6, Bound Weapon Anchoring Tempering Charm x2, Bound Armor Anchoring Tempering Charm x2, Bound Resplendent Weapon Tempering Charm x2, Bound Resplendent Armor Tempering Charm x2
*Limited to 1x per account
These deals will dance away from the dancefloor on June 25th, so don’t be shy and go for it!
Please note that the June Packs are available until July, 1st.