The time has come, Chosen Ones! You will finally have the honor to meet Gatekeeper Kyprosa and face the dangers of the Garden of the Gods.

Garden of the Gods
The Garden of the Gods is a brand new zone that can be accessed through the Navel of the World in the Eastern Hiram Mountains. After the entry of the Garden, you will enter the Gatekeeper’s Hall to then access the various locations within the Garden from various doors. You must be at least level 55 to enter the Garden, however, it is recommended to be at least Ancestral Level 26 and have a Gearscore of around 14,000. No conflict is allowed in the Gatekeeper’s Hall, however outside of it is a different story! All 3 factions in the Garden will be hostile to each other during war, though due to this be cross-server you could be fighting your same faction type from a different server. The Garden will have 1 hour of peace, 10 minutes of conflict, and a little over 1 hour of war. During periods of war there is more to watch out for other than fellow players, there are unique and powerful bosses that spawn in various locations in the Garden.
The climate throughout the Garden varies between Tropical, Arid, and Subarctic – so bring a change of clothes! Throughout your travels, you may come across friendly fairies and wandering merchants, or hostile enemies and demons. When it comes to respawn points within the Garden, all three factions will share respawn points within the Garden. In order to maintain the peace at the respawn points within the Garden, you will find a protection buff close to the Memory Woods. The areas around the doors leading back to the Gatekeeper’s Hall are also always protected. Please note that Guild UI, Family UI, and the Marketplace are may not be accessible in the Garden of the Gods.

World Bosses in Garden of the Gods
Many dangerous creatures await brave adventurers in the Garden of the Gods, but some are a bigger threat than others.
A demon liberated from the depths of the underworld by Kyrios and given a physical form by Anthalon. Legends say that Anthalon himself granted Casvir a body using a portion of his own flesh and thus Casvir became a Shadow of Anthalon. He lives to enhance the power of the God of Destruction but longs to join the world outside of the Garden. Who knows what could befall the world, should he ever escape.
Pyrexius the Impaler
Once the chief of the proud Centaurus and protector of forests in Celestia, Pyrexius among his people was corrupted by the abyssal energy spreading throughout the Garden. Once war erupts he can be found galloping through the snowy fields.
Angorak the Fist
Infused with the sacred energy found within the ametrine ore, Angorak and his kind are particularly important to keep the balance of nature in Elysium intact. Seeking to harvest the powerful energy for themselves, demons have corrupted this noble creature to do their bidding.
Ramsus the Splitter
Said to magically empower if used correctly, Infinite Snow is a valuable resource protected by Ramsus the Splitter. Rather than slaying this strong creature, the evil forces decided to corrupt Ramsus and have him defend their own from the native inhabitants of the Garden.
New Raid – Distorted Anthalon
“Undi Arv Oria Venta!”
Evil bares its evil presence in the Garden once more. Anthalon reveals himself in the Delphinad Mirage and is intent on destroying everything and all things good. Pray, adventurer, stop him!
Anthalon spawns in the Delphinad Mirage part of the Garden of the Gods on Saturdays and Sundays at 9pm UTC. He attempts to absorb the Delphinad Mirage and will stay for 1 hour till he disappears into the abyss once more.
Anthalon has grown powerful and boasts an Ancestral 28 level with over 19 million health, surely a force to be reckoned with and it will take a tough yet brave raid of adventurers to bring him down! Anthalon has a wide range of abilities, from single target attacks to cone-based AOE attacks as well as making good use of his Crimson Army. It’s up to you to keep a close eye and formulate the plan to bring him down for good!
If felled, Anthalon will release his Soul Crystal or if you’re lucky, more than one! A valuable crafting resource. He will also drop 3 Locked Gold Crates and an Unidentified Glorious Evenglow Lunagem.
If you’re extremely lucky, a piece of the Dread Necromancer’s armor may drop, yours to use as you please!
Anthalon can drop the following items upon death:
– Unidentified Evenglow Lunagem
○ Costs 100 Labor to identify
○ Identifying the lunagem can provide one of the following
• Glorious Evenglow Lunagem: Trauma
• Glorious Evenglow Lunagem: Nightmares
• Glorious Evenglow Lunagem: Stasis
• Glorious Evenglow Lunagem: Impact
• Glorious Evenglow Lunagem: Escape
• Glorious Evenglow Lunagem: Movement
– Anthalon’s Soul Crystal
– Locked Gold Crate
– Dread Necromancer’s Hood
– Dread Necromancer’s Shirt
– Dread Necromancer’s Gloves
– Dread Necromancer’s Pants
– Dread Necromancer’s Shoes

New Main Story Quests
The story continues with the Garden of the Gods main story questline!
Beginning from Enos in the Hall of Warriors you will follow your destiny as the Chosen One from the path to the Navel of the World to the Garden of the Gods. Who knows what evil awaits you and what harsh challenges you will need to overcome. Completion of the main story quest will grant a special title and a unique looking Dread Guard Armor costume.
○ 59 brand new main story quests
○ Loose ends from past quests wrapped up
○ More lore for all to enjoy
○ Intricate instances to allow for the ultimate immersion
○ Tonnes of brand new items, characters, and quests
○ New world raid boss and 4 new mini-bosses
Additionally, the teleport gate to Ynys Monolith can be unlocked after completing a certain Main Story Quest.

New Basic Skill: Divine Blessing
The Divine Blessing skill can be obtained by completing chapter 3 of the main story quest within the Garden of the Gods and provides powerful boosts if used within the Garden.
Using the skill in the Garden
Using the skill on the caster activates “Divine Power” and using it on a hostile target within 15m activates “Divine Authority.”
Divine Power:
○ Only applies to the caster
○ Increases Attack Speed +2000, then decreases it -100 per second again
○ Decreases Cast Time -60%, then increases it +3% per second again
○ Increases Move Speed +100, then decreases it -0.3m/s per second again
○ Grants Immunity to all debuffs
○ Lasts for 20 seconds
Divine Authority:
○ Decreases Move Speed -20% for enemies within 15m
○ Lasts 20 seconds [B]Using the skill outside the Garden[/B] Using the skill on the caster activates “Divine Power”
Divine Power:
– Grants Immunity to all debuffs.
– Lasts for 5 seconds

Garden of the Gods Daily Quests
Fairy Request
Fairies located close to the doors leading back to the Gatekeeper’s Hall, offer a new daily quest for willing adventurers. To complete the daily quest, players will collect points doing various activities in the Garden of the Gods, in order to increase their Reward Level. The higher the Reward Level when turning in your quest, the higher the rewards the fairies give you.
Accumulating Points
Time (every 10 seconds): 10 points
Killing monsters: 110 points
Killing monsters at war: 150 points
Killing members of enemy factions: 200 points
Gathering plants: 30 points
Fishing: 10 points
Special Conditions
No points can be earned in protected areas.
Death causes a loss of 1 Reward Level.
Killing higher level enemies increases Reward Level by 1.
All points earned are divided equally between all party members. (max 5 people)
During peace, players can’t reach a level higher than 6.
Some monsters have a chance of granting an increased amount of points.
Fairy Protection Buff
The Fairy Protection buff can be crafted at the Garden Workbench and disappears upon death.
With the buff active, death does not decrease the Reward Level, instead, 1000 points are deducted from the current score.
Quest Rewards
The rewards for turning in the Fairy Request are as follows:

Zone Exclusive Items
New Plants
3 new plants can be gathered in the Garden of the Gods: Silver Lily, Crimson Petunia, and Indigo Peony. Gathering the plants grants materials used to upgrade equipment, as well as Botanical Specimens, which are used to complete the quest “Botanical Research”.
Completing the quest “Botanical Research” rewards the players with one of the three plant seeds, which then can be grown in any zone on Auroria.
New Fish
2 new freshwater fish and 2 new saltwater fish are added. Within the freshwaters of the Garden of the Gods, you’ll find Pickerels and Purple Bettas, while Pinecone Fish and Silver Ratfish can be fished out of saltwater.
100 Pickerels or 100 Pinecone Fish combined with 10 Blue Salt Knives can be turned into a Dawn Lake Light Essence.
20 Purple Bettas or 20 Silver Ratfish combined with 10 Blue Salt Knives can be turned into a Dawn Lake Light Essence.
Rank 8 Health and Mana Potions
Rank 8 health and mana potions can now be crafted at the Garden Workbench.
Blazing Comet
Restores 13% of Max Health instantly, and then 1.3% of Max Health every second for 10 seconds.
10 Blazing Comets require 10 Sweet Starlight, 1 Silver Lily, and 10 Mysterious Garden Powder, along with 25 Labor and 70k Alchemy Proficiency to craft.
Hazy Reflection
Restores 13% of Max Mana instantly, and then 1.3% of Max Mana every second for 10 seconds.
10 Hazy Reflections require 10 Faint Memories, 1 Crimson Petunia, 15 Mysterious Garden Powder, along with 25 Labor and 70 Alchemy Proficiency to craft.
Burning Desire
Restores 42% of Max Health.
10 Burning Desire requires 10 Alluvion Loves, 1 Crimson Petunia, 10 Mysterious Garden Powder, along with 35 Labor and Max Alchemy Proficiency to craft.
Castaway Current
Restores 42% of Max Mana.
10 Castaway Currents require 10 Stormraw Waves, 1 Silver Lily, 15 Mysterious Garden Powder, along with 50 Labor and Max Alchemy Proficiency to craft.
Rank 8 Health and Mana Food
Rank 8 health and mana food can now be crafted at the Garden Workbench.
Towering Sandwich
Restores 50% of Max Health over 4 seconds.
10 Towering Sandwiches require 10 Savory Breads, 10 Pinecone Fish, 5 Silver Ratfish, 10 Mysterious Garden Powder, along with 40 Labor and Max Cooking Proficiency to craft.
Rich Soup
Restores 50% of Max Mana over 4 seconds.
10 Rich Soups require 10 Aromatic Soups, 10 Pickerels, 5 Purple Bettas, 10 Mysterious Garden Powder, along with 40 Labor and Max Cooking Proficiency to craft.
Garden Coinpurses
Available from monsters within the Garden of the Gods, are now Garden Coinpurses, which can be opened for up to 50 Labor and grant various amounts of gold.

Exalted Hiram Guardian Gear (Tier 5 Hiram)
A new tier of Hiram Guardian Equipment is now available, called the Exalted Hiram Guardian Equipment. Exalted Hiram Guardian Equipment can be obtained by awakening Glorious Hiram Guardian Equipment of grade Mythic or above, using Glorious Hiram Awakening Scrolls or Hallowed Hiram Awakening Scrolls.
Glorious Hiram Awakening Scrolls
Glorious Hiram Awakening Scrolls can be obtained by completing the daily quest “Fairy Request” in the Garden of the Gods and unpacking the Garden Chests that are rewarded, or facing the many foes and bosses encountered in the various areas across the Divine Garden.
Each awakening attempt using Glorious Hiram Awakening Scrolls requires 50 scrolls and 500 Labor.
Successful awakening with this scroll can cause equipment with tempering points above +20 to lose up to 2 points.
Hallowed Hiram Awakening Scrolls
Hallowed Hiram Awakening Scrolls can be crafted by combining 150 Glorious Hiram Awakening Scrolls with a Glorious Runescribe Quill.
Glorious Runescribe Quills can be crafted on the Printing Press and require the following materials:
300 Glossy Feathers
30 Sunlight Archeum Essences
30 Moonlight Archeum Essences
30 Onyx Archeum Essences
25 Labor
Each awakening attempt using Hallowed Hiram Awakening Scrolls costs 500 Labor.
Successful awakening with this scroll never causes equipment to lose tempering points.
Brilliant Erenor Equipment (Tier 3 Erenor)
Radiant Erenor Equipment of grade Mythic or above can now be awakened to Brilliant Erenor Equipment.
To do so, players will have to craft Radiant Erenor Awakening Scrolls or Blessed Erenor Awakening Scrolls.
Radiant Erenor Awakening Scrolls can be crafted on the Advanced Workbench, which can be found on Advanced Territory Workshops.
The following materials are required to craft a Radiant Erenor Awakening Scroll:
○ 100 Silver Lilies
○ 100 Crimson Petunias
○ 100 Indigo Peonies
○ 1 Vivid Archeum Orb
○ 50 Labor
Successful awakening with a Radiant Erenor Awakening Scroll can cause equipment with tempering points above +20 to lose up to 2 points.
Each awakening attempt costs 300 Labor.
Blessed Erenor Awakening Scrolls can also be crafted on the Advanced Workbench and require the following materials:
○ 200 Silver Lilies
○ 200 Crimson Petunias
○ 200 Indigo Peonies
○ 3 Vivid Archeum Orbs
○ 50 Labor
Successful awakening with a Blessed Erenor Awakening Scroll never causes equipment to lose any tempering points and each attempt costs 300 Labor.
Vivid Archeum Orbs
Vivid Archeum Orbs can be crafted on the Advanced Workbench and require the following materials:
180 Sunlight Archeum Essences
90 Moonlight Archeum Essences
15 Starlight Archeum Essences
500 Labor
Erenor Cloaks
Erenor Cloaks have been reworked to make the upgrading process easier.
The new Erenor Cloaks can be acquired by recloaking the existing cloaks or awakening an Ayanad Cloak to the Erenor tier.

Cloak Synthesis Effects
Although the stats from the previous cloaks are now going to be combined, the new cloak will have only one stat.
The existing stat can be rerolled, using Serendipity Stones.
These changes also apply to Delphinad and Ayanad cloaks.

Awakening Ayanad Cloaks
Erenor Cloaks can no longer be crafted and need to be awakened using Ayanad Cloak Awakening Scrolls.
Ayanad Cloaks of grade Legendary can be awakened using Ayanad Cloak Awakening Scrolls, which can be crafted at the Proven Warrior Workbench and require the following materials:
18 Honorforged Medals
3 Moonlight Archeum Essences
1 Ipnysh Moonlight Blessing
50 Labor
Each awakening attempt costs 300 Labor.
Awakening Erenor Cloaks
Erenor Cloaks of grade Mythic or above can also be awakened to Radiant Erenor Cloaks, using Erenor Cloak Awakening Scrolls.
Erenor Cloak Awakening Scrolls can be crafted at the Proven Warrior Workbench and require the following materials:
36 Honorgorged Medals
6 Moonlight Archeum Essences
1 Ipnysh Moonlight Blessing
1 Blazing Cloudspun Fabric
50 Labor
Each awakening attempt costs 300 Labor.
Upgraded World Boss Gear (Tier 2)
Added new Awakening Scrolls:
○ Elite Awakening Scrolls
• Successful awakening can cause equipment with tempering points above +20 to lose up to 2 points.
• Can be used on the following equipment:
– Wrathful Black Dragon Weapons
– Vigilant Hermit’s Plate Armor
– Termisia’s Leather Armor
– Dread Necromancer Cloth Armor
• Crafted at the Proven Warrior Workbench
○ Improved Elite Awakening Scrolls
• Successful awakening never causes equipment to lose tempering points.
• Can be used on the following equipment:
– Wrathful Black Dragon Weapons
– Vigilant Hermit’s Plate Armor
– Termisia’s Leather Armor
– Dread Necromancer Cloth Armor
• Crafted at the Proven Warrior Workbench
Dread Necromancer Cloth Armor
○ 5-Piece set that is obtained from Anthalon (Garden of the Gods Raid)
• Anthalon has a low chance to drop a piece of armor upon death.
○ Can be upgraded via item synthesis, using Kadum’s Enhancers, Garden Worldboss Infusions, and other World Boss Equipment
○ Each piece has it’s own equip effect and grants 1 basic stat and 2 additional stats
○ 3-set effect: Swim Speed +50%
○ 5-set effect: Post-Cast Mana Regen +10

Nefarious Dread Necromancer Cloth Armor
○ Obtained by awakening Dread Necromancer Cloth Armor with Elite Awakening Scrolls or Improved Elite Awakening Scrolls.
○ 3-set effect: Swim Speed +50%, Post-Cast Mana Regen +10
µ○ 5-set effect: A chance to trigger the skill “Necromantic Flame”
• Necromantic Flame:
Pulls all enemies within 25m towards you and inflicts Magic Damage every second.

Termisia’s Merciless Leather Armor (T2 Charybdis Armor)
○ Obtained by awakening Termisia’s Leather Armor pieces with Elite Awakening Scrolls or Improved Elite Awakening Scrolls.
○ Can be upgraded via item synthesis, using Kadum’s Enhancers, Garden Worldboss Infusions, and other World Boss equipment
○ Each piece has it’s own equip effect and grants two additional stats
○ 3-set: Swim Speed +50%, Stealth Detection Range +20%
○ 5-set: Has a chance to trigger the skill “Whirlwind”
• Whirlwind:
Pulls enemies into a 10m radius whirlwind and Shackles all effected enemies

Resolute Hermit’s Plate Armor (T2 Leviathan)
○ Obtained by awakening the Vigilant Hermit’s Plate Armor pieces with Elite Awakening Scrolls or Improved Elite Awakening Scrolls.
○ Can be upgraded via item synthesis, using Kadum’s Enhancers, Garden Worldboss Infusions, and other World Boss equipment
○ Each piece has it’s own equip effect and grants two additional stats
○ 3-set effect: +50%, Underwater Breathing +1 hour
○ 5-set effect: has a chance to trigger the skill “Smashing Earth”
• Smashing Earth:
Lifts enemies in front and deals Melee Damage

Ferocious Black Dragon Weapons (T2 Black Dragon)
○ Obtained by awakening the Wrathful Black Dragon Weapons with Elite Awakening Scrolls or Improved Elite Awakening Scrolls.
○ Can be upgraded via item synthesis, using Kadum’s Enhancers, Garden Worldboss Infusions, and other World Boss equipment
○ Each piece has it’s own equip effect and grants two additional stats

Equipment Subtype Changes
The subtypes for weapons have been adjusted with some updated and others added. A new UI has been added that highlights your additional damage by that subtype!
○ Slashing: Dagger, Sword, Katana, Nodachi, and Spears
○ Crushing: Axe
○ Bludgeoning: Club
○ Blasting: Scepter and Staff
○ Piercing: Bow
The weapon types versus armor types table have also been adjusted and updated!

A system has been added that allows upgrades to weapon subtypes and improve the stats on it for how much it deals to certain subtypes as well as how well armor can protect against certain subtypes.
This system will remove XP on the items and in return will heighten the level of the weapon or armor in order to gain these extra resistances or damage outputs. Each item can go up to a maximum of level 10 and the amounts will vary per item.
Shields, Instruments, Accessories, Synthesis Costumes/Undergarments, and Cloaks cannot be enhanced.
World Boss Changes
○ Added new item drops to the following bosses
• Leviathan
– Added Leviathan’s Soul Crystal
• Black Dragon
– Added Black Dragon’s Soul Crystal
• Charybdis
– Added Charybdis’ Soul Crystal
Skill Changes
Ancestral Skill Changes
Added 15 new Ancestral Skills.
○ Witchcraft
• Enervate (Gale)
• Earthen Grip (Flame)
○ Defense
• Boastful Roar (Flame)
• Shield Slam (Stone)
○ Shadowplay
• Stalker’s Mark (Flame)
• Stalkers Mark (Gale)
○ Occultism
• Crippling Mire (Flame)
• Crippling Mire (Gale)
• Hell Spear (Quake)
• Hell Spear (Gale)
○ Auramancy
• Vicious Implosion (Quake)
○ Songcraft
• Dissonance (Flame)
• Dissonance (Gale)
• Critical Discord (Wave)
• Critical Discord (Gale)
Skill Adjustments
Various ajustments have been made to some skills.
Pin Down: Can be selected without any Skill Point requirements
Drop Back: Now requires 4 skill points to be used in Shadowplay to unlock the Skill. 1 extra skill point will need to be used to take it.
Absorb Lifeforce: All variations now decrease received healing by 90% instead of 60%.
Enervate: Now decreases received healing by 90% instead of 60%.
Quake Triple Slash: Removed the combo that triggers Shaken after a Snare.
Life Startling Strain: Grant Performance’s effectiveness has been increased from 30% to 40% but the buff is not able to be used on the caster.
Concussive Arrow: The Stun duration has been changed to 2.5 seconds.
Other Skill Changes
○ Increased the Skill Points earned from 18 to 20.
○ The max Skill Points earned at Lv55 is updated.
○ Increased the required Skill Points used for certain skills.

Hark to the Hero’s call! Certain Territory Buildings can now be upgraded to Advanced Buildings through the remodeling menu. Advanced buildings have 1,500,000 health. The buildings that can be updated are:
○ Territory Farm
○ Territory Workshop
○ Territory Outpost
Buildings are upgraded by using Advanced Construction Materials which are crafted at the Territory Multipurpose Workbench. Players who contribute to the construction of an Advanced Building will receive 500 Honor Points and 20 Territory Contribution.
To craft Advanced Construction Materials you will need 1 Blue Salt Bond and 3 Onyx Archeum Essence.
The amount of Advanced Construction Materials required to upgrade a building varies for each building:
○ Advanced Territory Farm requires 30
○ Advanced Territory Crafting Workbench requires 60
○ Advanced Territory Outpost requires 30
Oasis Manager
A new function emerges for the Guardian Altar, interact and select a Protecting Prayer to summon an Oasis Manager. When interacting with the Oasis Manager with an Oasis Protection Elixir, they will activate an Oasis Protection Barrier for 6 hours which prevents enemies from entering the area. Players can still take damage from AOE and Impaling attacks. It then goes on a 24-hour cooldown.
An Oasis Protection Elixir is acquired by heroes, from the Outpost Steward, located on Advanced Territory Outposts.
Territory Farms
A Territory Farm can be remodeled into an Advanced Territory Farm. Once upgraded, a Botanist will spawn and will offer a Daily Quest called “Botanical Research.”
The quest requires players to collect 10 Botanical Specimen, and submitting them will grant the player an Unidentified Garden Seed and 10 Territory Contribution.
Territory Workshop
A Territory Workshop can be remodeled into an Advanced Territory Workshop. Once upgraded, the ability to craft Radiant Erenor Awakening Scrolls is available as well as the recipe for Vivid Archeum Orbs.
At certain times after the upgrade, the Resource Manager will request a resource deliver to a hero who must accept it within 1 hour. If a hero misses the slot, they can take it again at a later time.
Once accepted, a zone quest will be activated and players must bring packs from other areas.
Smoldering Logs for Heedmar: Deliver 1 Smoldering Log Bundle
Smoldering Logs for Nuimari: Deliver 1 Smoldering Log Bundle
Mineral Water for Marcala: Deliver 1 Auroria Mineral Water Pack
Mineral Water for Calmlands: Deliver 1 Auroria Mineral Water Pack
Upon completion, the player will receive 200 Territory Pence and 10 Territory Contribution. The quest can only be completed once per day, but packs can continue to be delivered for the duration of the activation, where each delivery will grant 15 Territory Contribution. Delivering 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 packs total respectively will increase the Territory Income by 1000g.
Territory Outpost
A Territory Outpost can be upgraded to an Advanced Territory Outpost by remodeling the building.
A Territory Steward spawns and offers an Oasis Protection Elixir for 3 Onyx Archeum essence.
The daily quest taken from the Outpost changes, although it grants the same rewards it now only requires 50 killed mobs as opposed to 100.
Disguised Trade Packs
The Garden of the Gods update introduces a new type of Trade Pack, which can be crafted using materials gathered both in the Garden and around Auroria.
To get started with these Trade Packs, players will first have to complete the quest “Botanical Research” ten times. This quest is offered by a Botanist, that appears on an Advanced Territory Farm and asks brave adventurers who dare to venture into the Garden of the Gods to collect Botanical Specimen. Completing the Botanist’s quest does not only reward the players with Unidentified Garden Seeds, which randomly grant either Silver Lily Seeds, Crimson Petunia Seeds, or Indigo Peony Seeds but also the ability to earn an extra buck with the Disguised Packs later.
Once the Botanist lets you in on their secret side business and you meet her associate on either Nuia or Haranya, you will be able to accept a new daily quest from said associate, that requires you to deliver Garden flowers and some Territory Coins to the Botanist. The Botanist will then provide you with a perfectly wrapped up Bundle of Garden Flowers. Combining the Bundle of Garden Flowers with either an Auroria Mineral Water Pack or Smoldering Log Bundle at the Faction Base which can be found at the shores of Nuimari, Heedmar, Marcala, and Calmlands, will grant you a Disguised Mineral Water Pack or Disguised Smoldering Log Bundle respectively.
The only thing left to do at this point is to safely transport this valuable Trade Pack to the Shadow Merchant on Freedich Island, who will compensate with Onyx Archeum Essences in exchange.
Completing this daily quest enough times eventually rewards busy traders with a new title!
New Trade Route
A new trade route that connects Rokhala Mountains and Rookborne Basin has been added
Weekly Quests
○ Added the Weekly Quests
○ Weekly quests reset on Sunday at 12AM UTC
○ A player can take up to 20 weekly quests at once.
○ Decreased the maximum number of daily quests a character can take to 50 from 70
• If a character had more than 50 daily quests before the update, some quests will be automatically abandoned to only leave 50 quests.
○ Some daily quests available in Auroria are changed to weekly quests, and their rewards are adjusted.

Exploration and Achievements
Discover the most beautiful areas found within the Garden of the Gods, while working on your Exploration Proficiency, with 16 available exploration achievements.
From the heights of the Drifting Enclaves to the freezing tundras of Celestia, there are a lot of areas to explore. Successfully completing any of the related achievements, grants 50 points each towards the player’s Exploration Proficiency.
Additionally, new Achievements and Titles related to the Garden of the Gods were added.

New Pet Accessory Infusions
○ New Pet Accessory Infusions have been added: “Unidentified Pet Accessory Infusion”
○ Identifying the Unidentified Pet Accessory Infusions costs up to 15 Labor
○ Pet Accessory Infusions can be obtained in Basic, Grand, Rare, and Arcane grades
○ Can be acquired from the monsters in the Garden of the Gods

Ranking System Improvements
You can now view the previous ranking information with the “Previous Rank” button within the UI Rankings Information will be shown in a separate window.
Item Grade Ranking Changes:
○ Refreshes hourly
○ Currently equipped items are counted towards the ranking
○ Adjusted the minimum requirement to be on the rankings

Executioner Rankings, Guild Rankings, Sports Fishing Rankings, Blue Ribbon Rankings will now refresh every hour. Rewards for Rankings will be sent at midnight server time every Monday.
For the full patch notes with Bug Fixes and Misc. Changes click here!