Queen Patch 5 – Known Issues

Queen Patch 5 – Known Issues

Alliance Rejoin Cooldown

Patch 5 introduced two new cooldowns:

  • Quitting then rejoining the same guild
  • Quitting then rejoining the same alliance

The guild rejoin cooldown is currently set to 3 days, which will remain the case for the foreseeable future.

The alliance rejoin cooldown was originally announced as 7 days, but is currently also set to 3 days. This will be fixed with Queen Patch 6, currently set to be deployed on March 4.

Current state with Patch 5:

  • New guild / guild rejoin cooldowns: 3 days
  • New alliance cooldown: 7 days
  • Alliance rejoin cooldown: 3 days

Intended state with Patch 6:

  • New guild / guild rejoin cooldowns: 3 days (unchanged)
  • New alliance cooldown: 7 days (unchanged)
  • Alliance rejoin cooldown: 7 days