Albion Online’s biggest-ever content update, Queen, went live on January 20. This update brought tons of new features and upgrades to the game, from a new Outlands continent to Hideouts to a wide range of quality-of-life improvements. And with Guild Season 8 just around the corner, there’s never been a better time to be part of the world of Albion.
With the launch of Queen we announced an adjustment of our prices, to bring the game more in line with current MMOs and ensure the long-term stability of Albion’s development. We want to give our loyal supporters a last reminder that they have a chance to stay subscribed at the old prices.
Subscribing for Albion Online via Steam is currently not possible, but Steam users can still get the lower price through our shop.
Read our handy subscription guide for more info: forum.albiononline.com/index.p…e-when-playing-via-Steam/